LG Professionals SA is pleased to present the 2024 Annual State Conference: NEXT GEN, a conference designed to inspire and energise South Australian local government professionals to embrace the changes, opportunities and challenges that the future holds, and use these to support prosperous and thriving communities.
Meeting the complex challenges of the future will require local governments to increase capacity and deliver services in new ways whilst still meeting customer expectations – to do this the workforce will need to evolve to new ways of thinking and working.
This period of rapid change also represents a time of extreme opportunity, and local government is in a unique position to wholeheartedly embrace the future, leading the way for South Australian communities.
Developed by the sector for the sector, this conference program is highly relevant and engaging for local government professionals in all job roles and levels, from metropolitan and regional councils and subsidiaries. Join us at the flagship local government conference for 2024 to learn, develop and network with your sector colleagues.
To download the program please click here.
Looking to book multiple guests?
Let us do the work for you! Please complete this form and email to Megan Hay, Events Coordinator at mhay@lgprofessionalssa.org.au
Registrations for this event are open to Local Government Professionals Australia, SA members, council employees, employees of regional subsidiaries and Local Government Professionals Australia, SA invited guests.
By registering for this event you will be subscribed to the LG Professionals SA mailing list. Should you wish to unsubscribe at any time, please email admin@lgprofessionalssa.org.au.
Mailing Address: 148 Frome Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 Phone: 08 8224 2080 Email: admin@lgprofessionalssa.org.au