Our annual Women's Network Conference aims to be an uplifting, inspiring day to work on professional and personal development


The LG Professionals SA Women’s Network Conference is an annual event for local government women at all levels, from all job roles, from both the indoor and outdoor workforce. The Conference program has been designed to help you flourish in your career and motivate you with stories of success and inspiration to support your personal and professional development.

This year’s Conference theme is ‘Connect, Discover, Soar’. The insights provided by a range of engaging speakers from within and outside the local government sector will support you to connect with yourself and your peers, and to soar in your local government career - whether you want to lead teams or inspire from your current role.

Benefits of attending this conference

  • Build your confidence, resilience and wellbeing
  • Build and strengthen your local government networks
  • Invest valuable time and energy into yourself, and your professional and personal growth
  • Take away tools and tips to inspire you and grow your potential

Previous attendees have said:

  • "It was great to see and feel the vulnerability of the speakers. The stories are thought provoking. Its comforting to know we are not alone."
  • "As a retiring member, I have learnt a great deal from many strong women at many different levels. I leave feeling empowered."
  • "A fantastic event that was empowering and thought provoking. The speakers were excellent and I was able to take something away from each of them."
  • "One of the very best conferences I have been to for a VERY long time!"
  • "This has been the most awesome Women’s Conference to date! Well done to everyone involved."
  • "This year was an excellent blend of strong, inspirational women with varied life experience."

Key Dates 

The 2024 Women's Network Conference will be held on Friday 1 November 2024. 

Registrations will open in September.



  Megan Down
  Manager - Events & Partnerships
  e: megan@lgprofessionalssa.org.au
  p: 08 8224 2088 

  Megan Hay
  Events Coordinator
  e: mhay@lgprofessionalssa.org.au
  p: 08 8224 2087


2023 - 13th Annual Women's Network Conference 'Connect, Discover, Soar'

The 2023 LG Professionals SA Women's Network Conference was a roaring success, with 278 women from 37 Councils and subsidiaries coming together at the Adelaide Convention Centre to enjoy the day.

This year's conference program was a carefully curated mix of uplifting, thought-provoking and educational speakers from inside and outside the sector, inspiring attendees to Connect, Discover and Soar. 

We were thrilled to welcome Carly Findlay OAM, a respected writer, speaker, arts worker, and appearance activist. Carly shared her story as a proud disabled woman and discussed how workplaces can make it safe and accessible for people with disabilities to apply for roles and thrive once appointed. She highlighted that effective communication, taking feedback onboard, and implementing it, are vital factors in being truly inclusive.

Bel Ryan encouraged us to reflect on our mental load and identify positive wellbeing strategies. She knows that being honest with ourselves and facing our struggles head-on is the key to smashing through barriers and achieving genuine success.

The midday session was focused on local government: Steph Paprzycki-Baker, Community Safety Team Leader at City of Adelaide, shared raw and heartfelt insights and learnings from her leadership journey, which was followed by an interactive panel session where we heard from four fearless Local Government Leaders, Lee-anne Graham, Manager Business Solutions, Alexandrina Council, Amy Hosking, Corporate Services Manager, Northern Adelaide Waste Management Authority, Sheila McGregor, Depot Operations Manager, Port Augusta City Council and Olivia Robinson, Horticulturist, City of Adelaide Enfield who spoke authentically about experiences throughout their local government leadership journeys.

Mia Handshin encouraged us to step into our courage zone to find our authentic voice, to express our unique presence. We were seamlessly led to Dr Amy Silver, who supported us in understanding where our fears can limit us and gave us tips to ensure we no longer let fear control our choices, giving us the superpower of ultimate control over our future.

We're thrilled to see increased attendance and participation at the conference each year - it truly is a valuable day out of the office. 

Download the 2023 Conference Program

Mailing Address: 148 Frome Street ADELAIDE SA 5000   Phone: 08 8224 2080   Email: admin@lgprofessionalssa.org.au

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