• 23 Feb 2013 7:23 AM | Anonymous

    This month we speak to John Devine, General Manager, Assets and Infrastructure at the City of Unley.

    John Share with us his background, his "return" to Local Government and why "Ad-Hocary" is one of his favorite sayings!

    Hi John, thanks for talking with us.   

    What’s your current role at Unley, and what does it involve?

    General Manager, Assets & Infrastructure
    Key Responsibilities include:
          Depot related services – maintenance & renewal of open space & infrastructure;   street sweeping; fleet management & workshop
          Asset Management for all assets
          Property portfolio management, renewal & maintenance
    Capital program
    Waste management & related services
    Sustainable landscapes, design & delivery - includes streetscape renewal, arboricultural services

    Where were you before and what attracted you to the role (and back to Local Government?)

    For most of the last decade I have been in consulting, specialising in change management, process redesign, organisational reviews & improvement, and asset management.

    During this time I have worked in UK, Asia, South Africa, New Zealand and across Australia with a range of clients. I worked with a large number of Local Governments during this time & believe it is can be an interesting, diverse and dynamic place to work.

    Having got tired of continually travelling I decided that working in Adelaide with a progressive medium to large Council going through major change would be an exciting opportunity.

    In your opinion, how have things changed in local government since you last held a position in a council?

    The expectations of local government continue to increase from our stakeholders, particularly other tiers of government and our residents. There are also a growing number of legislative hurdles and requirements which must be complied with.

    Internally staff are still looking for strong, ethical leadership, but a new generation of employees come to work with a somewhat different mindset and attitude to their predecessors.

    The level of innovation and cooperation within and across Councils also appears to have increased, albeit that Local Government always tended to be a leader across governments in these areas

    What is the most satisfying thing about your Unley role?

    Its early days yet, but I would say joining a Council with a completely new Executive team and many new senior managers and being a part of these as they mould into a strong leadership group with a united focus has been very satisfying

    What’s the longer term plan – where do you see yourself in 5 years?

    Unley is a great place to work. The Council, senior staff and residents all want and expect Unley to “punch above our weight”.

    We have an exciting and challenging forward agenda, & I am particularly keen to see and assist our next generation of leaders grow and mature.

    What advice would you have for someone seeking a career in Local Government?

    Do it. Local Government has a great diversity in jobs, styles and opportunities. Don’t be worried about moving round to different Councils as this will help grow your knowledge and capabilities.

    Seek out a mentor who can help provide you some guidance and advice. Ask lots of questions & continue to learn.

    What’s your most embarrassing Local Government (or consulting) moment?  
    We were conducting a major marketing/ promotional evening with potential local gov’t clients in New Zealand & I was presenting our capability in some key areas. All was going well until my summary when instead of the punch line being the name of our company as the consulting firm with all this expertise who could help, I announced the name of a major competitor – who I used to belong to.

    The partners of the firm, while being able to make light of this, never let me live it down.

    We know you’ve only been there a relatively short time – but are you already known as having a favourite “saying” or term?  What is it?

    Ad-hocary – relating to the fact that we seem to have very little over arching principles, guidelines, frameworks, or operational process to assist in defining scope of work or approach.

    Consequently each project or task tends to be unique and it can be difficult to defend the preferred option with residents. In other words we take an ad-hoc approach to our work

    How do you spend your leisure time outside of Local Government?

    I mostly enjoy spending time with family and friends, especially with a good wine & great music.

    Sport has always been a passion, particularly the “real football” & now that I’m too old to play I enjoy cycling.

  • 30 Jan 2013 4:44 PM | Anonymous
    This month we speak with Julie Janssan, Team Leader, Customer Service at the City of Onkaparinga.  Julie tells us about her role and what she enjoys most about Local Government.

    Hi Julie - thanks for speaking with us. 

    What is your current role, and what does it entail?

    As Team Leader of Customer Service with the City of Onkaparinga, I am responsible for the overall management of our customer service team and developing and implementing strategic customer service initiatives. I lead a team of 38 staff who  handle more than 250,000 call centre and front counter enquiries each year.  I ensure they have the required knowledge, systems, processes and resources to  provide  an excellent service to our customers. It is a fantastic role and I am very fortunate to have a great team who are just as enthusiastic about customer service as I am.


    What attracted you to local government?

    I was amazed with the diversity of services that local government provides. It is progressive, exciting and the opportunities are endless.


    What's been the biggest surprise about your role?

    It is so diverse. Every day is different and brings new opportunities and challenges. That is what I really like about my job.


    What do you most enjoy most about local government?

    I have enjoyed all the opportunities that I have been provided. I have been lucky enough to have participated in the LGMA Challenge and the Emerging Leaders program, which provided me with a greater knowledge of local government, helped me establish new networks and allowed me to learn from experienced mentors. Leading on from this, I have also been fortunate to be a member of the Emerging Leaders Alumni and the Women in Local Government network.


    What's next for you? Where do you want to be in 5 years?

    I am very passionate about customer service, staff development and team promotion . Although I have been in the role for the past 6 years, there is still many opportunities, new projects and process improvements that I plan to implement over the coming years.


    What do your friends say you are passionate about, and would your staff say the same?

    My friends would say that I am passionate about shopping and my staff would say the same. This would be judged by the number of shopping bags I bring back to the office during my lunch break!


    What sayings at work are you famous for?

    I do have quite a few but the sayings I would most use are 'what the', OMG and 'booya!'

  • 08 Dec 2012 6:36 PM | Anonymous
    This month we speak with Santa Claus, CEO, North Pole Regional Council

    Hi Santa, thanks for speaking with us at this busy time of the year.

    What’s your current role, and how long have you been in that role?
    Well, I’m Santa Claus, also known as Father Christmas, St Nicholas or even Kris Kringle, although I’m not so happy about that last one, makes me sound like a rapper. 

    My role is CEO of the North Pole Council, and my main responsibility is project managing the preparation and delivery of all the presents to children around the world on Christmas eve.

    I’ve been doing this job for so long I can’t remember when I started. 

    Some people reckon I started soon after some guy called “Good King Wenceslas” but I find that hard to believe.  Who would give a guy a job with that name? 

    I mean, was his first name actually “Good”? But I digress…

    When did you decide to get involved with Local Government?
    I’m not sure I ever did decide.  I just wanted to deliver presents to kids around the world, and the next thing I know I’m having to manage elves, maintain a sleigh and report my KPI’s to an Elected Council that’s all over me like a cheap suit. 

    But’s that’s the business I guess.

    What do you love about your role?
    Well, primarily of course, the biscuits and milk.  But beyond that, I do enjoy bringing some joy to the kids around the world, and the perks that come with my association with Coca-Cola.

    What would you be doing if it wasn’t working for Local Government?
    I’d probably semi retire, and work just for a month or so a year as one of those charlatan “Mall Santas”.  What an easy gig, no responsibility, and it would be funny because no-one would know that I’m the real Santa.

    What are you famous for?
    Well, lots of stuff of course, like I’m mentioned in lots of songs such as “Jingle Bells”.   Speaking of Jingle Bells, that song gave me lots of trouble because in it they say that I use a one-horse open sleigh, which really ticked off Rudolph and the rest of the reindeers.   

    They got the union involved, saying I was trying to make them redundant, but we worked through it.  Just for the record, I don’t know anything about a one-horse open sleigh. 

    Do you have an embarrassing moment in your work life that you are willing to share?
    Lots of people would expect me to say that occasionally, I get stuck in a chimney, because I’m carrying a few extra kilos.  To be honest, that has happened, but not as often as you’d think. 

    And actually the couple of times when it did happen, it had nothing to do with Christmas, but that’s another story.

    What advice would you have to anyone looking to get into local government?
    Think things through and make sure you know what you are getting yourselves in for.  I must admit, I didn’t think things through.  I was in a bar one night, maybe after a couple of sherries, and made this statement to everyone about how “I’m going to deliver presents to all the kids in the world”. 

    Then I looked more closely at the KPI’s and realised it was a bigger task than I thought.  I mean, to get it all done in one night I need to visit about 970 households a second, and I have to remember millions of wish lists.  

    So, in retrospect I should have taken the time to work that out first. 

    Any improvements planned?
    Well, we are looking at using technology better.  I’m trialling a system where instead of obtaining the wish lists and delivering the presents, we’ll encourage the kids to Skype in and tell us their wish lists that way. 

    I’m working on an avatar that will nod at the right moments, so I won’t actually have to be present during the Skype calls. 

    And the gift deliveries will be using Amazon as a drop-shipper, so we won’t have to hold any stock, and an automated email will let the kids know what’s on the way.  So finally, I may be able to relax at Christmas like everyone else.

    But, we may to go out to community consultation on that before we go live.
  • 24 Nov 2012 3:34 PM | Anonymous
    This month we speak with Shane Thompson, Manager, Community Development at Mid-Murray Council.

    Shane, thanks for talking to us.
    What’s your current role, and how long have you been doing it? 
    I have been Manager Community Development at Mid Murray Council for almost 3 years. What was your previous role? My previous role was Marketing and Strategic Projects at the Rural City of Murray Bridge for 5 year.

    When did you decide to get involved with Local Government? 
    I was employed at the Murraylands Regional Development Board and worked in partnership with the Rural City of Murray Bridge on different projects. An opportunity came up with the RCMB that provided more job security and career pathways.  

    What attracted you to the sector?
    The opportunity was the initial attraction and the sector provides good security, working conditions, diversity of roles and experiences plus training and development opportunities.

    What do you love about your role, and working for a  council generally?
    I love working with a fantastic community development team who are delivering great outcomes throughout our vast geographic area. I enjoy working for a supportive Council, the diversity of my role so I never get bored and being able to make a difference in the community.

    What would you be doing if it wasn’t working in local government? 
    Working in hospitality management, sitting on the couch watching sport and drinking wine or delivering basketball junior development programs because I have done them before or enjoy doing them. The only problem with all of them is the hours and pay is terrible!

    What are you “famous” for at Mid-Murray?
    Recruiting the healthy lifestyle programs who are trying to make us all healthy! Wanting everything to be ‘funky’!

    Do you have an embarrassing moment in your work life that you are willing to share? 
    On about my second day at the RCMB I was MC for a large Reconciliation Day Event with about 400 people in attendance. One of my new colleges told me that the Mayor had to be addressed as ‘His Excellency’ so I did as I was told to follow the correct protocols and kept looking like an idiot in front of the large crowd.

    What advice would you have for others seeking to get involved in local government? 
    Go for it! There are good career pathways, conditions, training and development opportunities.

  • 27 Oct 2012 7:47 AM | Anonymous
    This month we speak to the newest LGMA (SA) board member, Kerry Loughhead from the City of Prospect.
    Hi Kerry - What’s your current role, and how long have you been doing it?  What was your previous role?

    I'm the Manager Governance and Administration at the City of Prospect, which includes responsibility for governance, customer service, HR, Information Management (records management and an IT resource).  It also includes EA to the Mayor.  I am also doing 5 days per fortnight as Acting Manager Governance at City of Unley on a short term basis until they find cover for Victoria McKirdy's maternity leave.
    My previous role was Manager Governance which also included EA to the Mayor.  (This was also at Prospect).

    When did you decide to get involved with Local Government?  What attracted you to the sector?

    I was originally approached by a recruitment firm to apply for the position of EA to the CEO and Mayor at City of Prospect.  I was on a long term temp contract at the time at the SAMFS (South Australian Metropolitan Fire Service), and thought it sounded interesting enough as it was 5 minutes from home!  To be honest I had never thought about working for local government until then.

    What do you love about your role, and working for a  council generally?

    I really like the career opportunities that LG can provide.  Although I have only worked at Prospect (until the recent secondment to Unley) my role has changed considerably.  I can credit this mainly due to having two very different but dynamic CEOs during my time at Prospect, and two very different but very committed Mayors, that have allowed me to get involved and take on new challenges.

    What would you be doing if it wasn’t working in local government? 

    I know this questions means what work I would be doing, but I can't get past "Travelling the world".  I love to get out and see the world, taste the food and wine, and generally soak up the different cultures.

    What are you “famous” for at Prospect?

    Going on holidays or saying "What section of the Act does that relate to?"

    Do you have an embarrassing moment in your work life that you are willing to share? 

    I believe the embarrassing moment will be in a couple of weeks time when I participate in the inter council sports day, in the City of Prospect netball team.  It seemed like a good idea to sign up a couple of months ago, but as the date looms, the realization that I have not played for many (many!) years is starting to become all too clear!

    What advice would you have for others seeking to get involved in local government?  

    Just as the question says...."get involved".  (See netball comment above!) It can be just a job if you let it, but it can also offer so much more.  There are plenty of training and professional development opportunities available through the LGMA and LGA, and the LGMA Management Challenge is a terrific opportunity to network, learn, challenge yourself, and just be a part of something bigger than your own Council.

  • 25 Sep 2012 3:16 PM | Anonymous
    This month we speak to the newly-appointed CEO of Southern Mallee District Council.  Tony tells us about what attracted him to the sector, what famous people he has met, and much more...

    Hi Tony - thanks for talking to us. 

    When did you decide to get involved with Local Government?  What attracted you to the sector?
    I believe Local Government is the under sold success story of Australia’s community and lifestyle.  Much of the quality of life and the fabric of our society, many others fondly admire has been created, delivered and continues to be maintained by Local Government.  Sure other levels of Government provide the backbone infrastructure and do the heavy lifting.  What really counts in the Liveability of our society is the places we have to play and the things we have to do.  Our style of housing, recreation and entertainment, the ability to socialise and the harmony it creates, make Australia and South Australia the envy of many others.

    In 2011 I was fortunate to work in the United States.  This experience reaffirmed with me that Australia and South Australia is just the best place to live and work.

    What do you love about your role, and working for a council generally?
    Local Government has the best connection with community.  It’s a tangible and tactile connection that is easily and quickly measured.  Most often the outcomes are clearly visible, quickly and transparently.  A feature of the under sold story is the nimbleness and flexibility Local Government applies to supporting its community.  It makes for dynamic and interesting work.

    What are you “famous” for?

    Most often people seem to say it’s my capacity to get things done.  Rarely am I intellectually challenged by situations. This gives me confidence there’s a solution out there somewhere and it’s just about spending the time looking, researching and testing possible outcomes.  I spend a lot of time speaking and meeting with others to seek the most effective and more efficient solutions to challenges.

    Speaking of famous, have you ever met a famous person?  Who was it, and what happened?

    As a little fella Professor Julius Sumner Miller came to our home when my parents hosted a Dinner as part of my father’s Rotary functions. When I was older I was fortunate to spend some time with Formula One World Champions Niki Lauda and Keke Rosberg. As a Cricketer I play with and against many Test Cricketers and Test Umpires and playing footy I was very fortunate to play with and against many if the icons of SANFL football.  What I learnt most was that each of these people are just as normal as we are. They have feelings and emotions just like we do.  Maslow’s Hierarchy is just as relevant to them as it is to us.

    What advice would you have for others seeking to get involved in local government? 

    Like most things the benefits you enjoy are dependent on the effort you contribute. Local Government is great fun, with many interesting and varying challenges.  More importantly there are roles across almost every vocation that often leads to professional development opportunities.  Local Government has a rich career path for those who wish to share in the continuing development of the fabric of our great society.

    Finally, about your new role - what are your immediate plans in your new role?

    To work with the elected members and my colleagues to build a connected, well respected community that aspires to satisfy the present and future needs of the whole community.  To support our neighbouring communities and Local Government, as a whole to progress, South Australia as a great place to live, work and invest in the future.

  • 24 Aug 2012 1:16 PM | Anonymous
    This month we speak with Reece Harrison, one of this year's Emerging Leaders, who currently works for the City of Charles Sturt as an Asset Management Co-ordinator.

    Hi Reece - What’s your current role, and how long have you been doing it?
    I’m currently working as the “Coordinator Asset Management” at the City of Charles Sturt (CCS) and have been in the role since January this year.  I believe the technical term is a “n00b”.

    When did you decide to get involved with Local Government?  What attracted you to the sector?
    Roll back 2 years and ask me if I was interested in Local Government involvement.  A resounding no would be forthcoming from my ill informed mind. 

    A series of career events led me to short term contracting in the Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) space and I found myself working as a Business Analyst and then Project Manager at CCS. 

    I’m happy to confess that via a baptism of fire I have come to realise that Local Government is not what the poorly informed generally make it out to be.  It is so diverse and provisions so many things that State and Federal Government instigate or govern. 

    I am now attracted to the sense of worth, growth and learning opportunities and the ability to make a difference where it matters.

    What do you love about your role, and working for a council generally?
    CCS is in the midst of a Asset Management System implementation so I’m loving the chance to apply my ICT, project and people skills to a significant change endeavour.  In a former life I managed event production based logistics, operations and assets but have enjoyed the new learning journey surrounding community infrastructure assets. 

    We have a mammoth pool of asset management knowledge and my job is to focus it all in the one direction.

    What would you be doing if it wasn’t working in local government?  Why? 
    Most likely I would be somewhere in the education sector.  I volunteer as a board director for an independent school.  This challenge sees a mix of my training, governance and ICT experience being used to help an organisation that is committed to delivering quality educational outcomes to the next generation. 

    Whilst displaying my Lego train collection would be fun, it’s not going to pay the bills just yet!

    What are you “famous” for?
    I firmly believe I started the cuff link revival here in Adelaide.  I have photos to prove I was using cufflinks in shirts when commuting to Sydney years before they became popular here again… honest! 

    Regurgitating sayings is a favourite past time so the two chart toppers at the moment are;
    “Feedback; the breakfast of champions” (thanks Craig Daniel!)
    “I reckon this calls for a white board moment”

    Speaking of famous, have you ever met a famous person?  Who was it, and what happened?
    Working in the event production space for over 25 years has provided me many a celebrity moment however the most embarrassing happened at a recent Emerging Leaders reception event here in Adelaide. 

    Walking through the doors into the room I shook hands with one of the official welcoming party, made some basic small talk and thought to myself, “Gee, that voice sounded familiar”.  Had I known it was our State’s Premier I would have at least said something more than “thanks for having me”.  Not my finest moment!

    What advice would you have for others seeking to get involved in local government?
    Ignore the bad press, look for the good news stories and get involved in the movement that is about getting things done for the community at large.
    What are your thoughts on the future of local government?  What will it look like in 50 years? Will it still be around?
    There are certainly a lot of conversations at the present regarding this topic!  Recognising the history of how both Local and Federal Government came to be and what role all three Government tiers play in ensuring a balanced blend of National, State and Neighbourhood voice in the provision of community needs, I am left thinking about efficiencies of processes and systems. 

    We’re already seeing some great work with the G6 groups taking advantage of buying power, knowledge sharing and even some ICT systems.  This approach keeps the local application of these initiatives governed with local needs as identified by the Council on the ground. 

    My sense is that the three tiers of Government will remain intact but what they deliver and how they deliver it may change.  In the coming years I see sharing of services between Councils via regional hubs of skill, knowledge and systems could help retain great people, leverage buying power and keep processes consistent across multiple local Councils. 

    My 50 year vision is shaped somewhat by the notion that surely no one wants to live in a National Legoland where all the houses, roads and services look and feel the same.  Not everyone wants a 32x32 stud baseplate to live on and in. 

    With this in mind my prediction is that Local Government is here to stay.

  • 19 Jul 2012 10:03 PM | Anonymous
    This month we speak Barossa Council’s Director of Corporate and Community Services, Joanne Thomas, and she tells us about her life working for a rural council.

    Earlier this year, on Friday 20 April 2012,  Joanne took out the Leadership and Management Excellence Award for rural councils in SA/NT at the industry’s annual excellence awards run by the LGMA (Local Government Managers Australia).

    Hi Joanne - What's your current role, and how long have you been in that role?
    I'm currently the Director, Corporate and Community Services.  I've held this position for the last 18 months,  and prior to that, for 3 years, I was the Manager Administrative Services - also with The Barossa Council.

    When did you decide to get involved with Local Government?  What attracted you to the sector?
    I am a qualified social worker and  worked for 6 years in local government in the UK in family and childrens services after 15 years in the private, commercial sector (with sales and marketing  and project and contract management roles in the construction and business solutions sectors).  I started work in private industry during the late 80's because the local government sector was subject to significant retrenchment and there were no roles for newly qualified graduates.  As people will know, the structure and funding of local government is very different in the UK, with frontline, primary social care services delivered directly at the local level in the absence of a state sector.   I moved into a commissioning and contracting role for children's services before moving to Australia in 2007.  The initial motivation was to support children to have a safe and supportive family environment that enabled them to fulfil their potential. Over the years and having moved away from the childcare sector; supporting what makes communities work effectively is the primary attraction.
    What do you love about your role, and working for a rural council generally?
    The huge variety and having to deal with whatever comes your way, every day is different.  It's all about people and what makes communities tick.  The people I work with.

    What would you be doing if it wasn’t working in local government?
    Not sure - never been one for having a grand plan but something will always turn up!

    Do you have a “pet” saying or motto?  If so, what is it?
    Several spring to mind - more because they fit with rural local government - "can't please all of the people, all of the time", "Jack of all trades, master of none!", "two sides to every story" (and usually more!), "it never rains in the Barossa!" (that one because from the day we started on site to build the new Aquatic and Fitness centre it did not stop raining and we had the wettest summer in a 100 years which played havoc with our program).

    What advice would you have for others seeking to get involved in local government in rural areas?

    Some great opportunities to get exposure at first hand to the broad range of services that a rural council provides. We tend to have people multi-tasking across a range of functions, not having the resources to have specialists or dedicated staff in every field.  For us, skills are important of course, but a "can do" approach and a good cultural fit is the key to getting the right people involved in our team.

  • 22 Jun 2012 2:50 PM | Anonymous
    This month we speak to the School Services Librarian at the City of Onkaparinga, Karla Pickett, and she shares her varied background and ideas with us.

    Hi Karla - what's your current role, and how long have you been in that role?
    I am currently the School Services Librarian at the City of Onkaparinga. I am located at the Seaford Library, which is a joint use library between the City of Onkaparinga and DECD and my role is to ensure that the Seaford 6-12 School’s needs are met. I have been here for almost 3 years now.

    What did you do prior to that?

    Funnily enough, I was a secondary PE, Outdoor Ed and Science teacher, and I spent 7 years as an Officer in the Army Reserve, reaching the rank of Captain.

    Why did you make the change and what were the challenges you faced when you started in the current role?

    I think after teaching for 5 years, I started to realise that there was life outside of the classroom. I went straight from school to uni, and then from uni back into a school, and eventually decided that  it was time to get out and see the world from a different perspective. I have always had a lot of interests, and been a bit of a ‘jack of all trades, master of none’, so I completed some studies externally while still teaching, to become a librarian. Although it was odd for others to see me change direction completely, it was just another area I had been interested in and so when I saw this job advertised I took the plunge and was lucky enough to get it. I was faced with the challenge of getting to know how local government worked, but the hardest part was going from 12 weeks of holidays a year to 4 weeks!

    How did you overcome those challenges?

    In terms of learning about local government, I tried to go to conferences and networking events to meet others from council in order to feel more connected and to get a better understanding of the sector as a whole. Having only been here for 3 years, I am still learning a lot of this, but this year I was a part of the City of Onkaparinga’s LGMA Management Challenge team, and this was a great experience for me in learning more about local government as well as our organisation. As for not getting 12 weeks of holidays a year, I just have to deal with that….

    What do you enjoy most about working in your current role, and in local government generally?
    What I love about my current role is the diversity it brings. I also love the opportunities that local government provides, in terms of training, networking and development. I have a fair bit of independence in my role so I have been able to implement a lot of new ideas and have tried to make the library a more enjoyable space for students, and as easy to access as possible for school staff and students.


    What's the future hold?

    Who knows! Perhaps a leadership role, or even a different role within the organisation one day. I am happy where I am right now, but I am definitely open to different opportunities. I really enjoy working with young people, so I can’t imagine moving too far away from that kind of role.

    Describe a typical day for us....

    Hmm… a typical day. It could be a combination of many things. It might start with opening the library, letting the students in before they start school so that they can return items, and having a chat with them.

    Then, on most days, I would spend half the day out in the library carrying out customer service duties. This can be doing anything from helping people find books, to helping them use the photocopier or computers. At the moment it would also include changing over every book in our library to be compatible with our new RFID system which is a very long process.

    When I’m not doing that, I use my time to help teachers find or purchase resources for their curriculum, I choose and order new books for the library often using ideas given to me by students through a suggestion box (and then respond to student suggestions and put these responses on a display board), I go to classrooms to teach students about effective online researching and that there is life outside of Google.

    I also go to a weekly school leadership meeting, other school curriculum meetings, promote the Premier’s Reading Challenge, set up competitions for students, spend time talking to students, and run a student book group.

    I might also update the blog I have set up for the teachers which keeps them informed of any changes they need to know about, or new resources available to them. In addition to this, I carry out any organisational duties to assist my Team Leader.

    Do your staff/colleagues have a nickname for you?  if so, what is it and why?

    If they do, then it is not one I am aware of! I can tell you myself though, that unfortunately I would probably be the loudest librarian on earth.

    What sayings or expressions are you known for?

    I really like ‘If you are not prepared to be a part of the solution, then you forfeit your right to complain’. It says all it needs to say.


    What advice would you have for people wanting to obtain a similar role in local government?

    I don’t think there are many jobs specifically like mine available, however, I think the combination of my teaching background and my librarian qualification really helped me. There would be no point in doing this job if you didn’t enjoy working with teenagers in particular, as it is a huge part of my role.


  • 16 May 2012 11:39 AM | Anonymous
    Kim Ritter from the City of Salisbury recently won the 2012 Emerging Leader of the year award.  We chat with her about her role at Salisbury, and the award...

    Firstly, some background…

    What’s your current role, how long have you been doing it?

    My current role is Manager Salisbury Recreation Precinct, I’ve been in this role for just over 1 year now. Prior to this I was the Manager of the Gardens and St Jays Recreation Centres and have been with the City of Salisbury for 5 years now. Currently I’ve got approximately 40 staff members.

    Now, about the Emerging Leader of the year award…

    How did your entry come about?
    My entry came about through my direct line Manager, Adrian George – Manager Recreation Services.

    How did you feel when first nominated, and when your video was played?
    I felt very honoured that I was nominated in the first place, realizing the nomination process was quite a lengthy one and very in depth! When the video played at the awards night I was nervous, excited, embarrassed and humbled all at once. Viewing all of the other award nominees I felt they were very worthy of the win compared to myself.

    Were you nervous when the nominations were read out?
    I was very nervous when the award was being announced – but didn’t think that I would win this award!

    Did you prepare a speech? 
    I didn’t actually prepare an acceptance speech! That was how much I thought I wouldn’t win this award. I remember when I was walking up to the podium and it dawned on me that I was about to give a thank you speech and I thought – “oh no, I don’t have a speech prepared!”. I gave myself 2-3 seconds to prepare and then went straight into an off-the-cuff speech! I thought my speech was OK, would’ve been better had I prepared although I tend to ad lib a lot with speeches I prepare usually, so don’t think it would’ve changed a whole lot had I prepared one earlier.

    I do wish I’d thanked the people I currently work with in my team, for allowing my crazy ideas to come to fruition and for their on-going encouragement and support!

    They make my job so much easier and such a happy place to be!

    We have a fantastic high-performing team at the Salisbury Recreation Precinct, filling our days with laughter as well as productive work!
    How did you feel about winning?  What do you think that does for your motivation, your standing in the industry, your future career?

    I feel very honoured to have taken out this award. It was certainly very unexpected as I feel I just do my job, nothing special about it. It’s really nice to be recognized at such a high level amongst my peers and other local government representatives. It cements my motivation in driving forward, continuing to identify gaps in program service delivery and to build a great working relationship with my fellow team mates whilst building their skill sets for their own improvement.

    As far as my future career goes, this award is a great achievement and will assist me in developing my skills and qualifications further! Who knows what the future holds for me, but I’m excited to find out!
    How have your colleagues/staff reacted to the win?
    My staff and colleagues have reacted very positively towards my win. They’ve all been so supportive of me, not only after this win, but for the past 5 years I’ve been lucky enough to be employed by the City of Salisbury.

    Staff in other departments have also been very congratulatory towards me and have made comments such as ‘well deserved’, which makes me feel very special and lucky to be thought of so highly by other people.
    What would you say to other potential nominees for next year?
    To other potential nominees for future years: strive for your goals, develop yourself personally, understand your customers and colleagues, follow your dreams, try to see the positive side in everything and above all, establish how to make work and life ‘work’ for you.
    What’s next for you in your plan?
    What’s next for me??? Ummmm…..personally to finish the house my husband and I are building ourselves.

    Professionally – to continue to strive for excellence in everything my team does, continuously improve and to continue to move up the professional ladder – whatever that opportunity may be!

Mailing Address: 148 Frome Street ADELAIDE SA 5000   Phone: 08 8224 2080   Email: admin@lgprofessionalssa.org.au

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