Member Profile - Mark Goldstone

18 Jul 2011 4:09 PM | Anonymous
This month, we profile Mark Goldstone from the City of Prospect.

Mark - thanks for talking with us. 

What is your current role?

Chief Executive Officer - City of Prospect

How did you get into that role?
I grew up in the Northern suburbs of Adelaide, however my career in local government started in rural Tasmania, where I was appointed as a Junior Environmental Health Officer with the Wynyard Council. I then progressed through to management positions at the King Island and Circular Head Councils in Tasmania. During my time at those councils, I gained an appreciation and exposure to the role of CEO and when an opportunity arose I applied for and was appointed to the role as CEO at the Circular Head Council. Following a number of years at Circular Head I moved to South Australia with the Clare and Gilbert Valleys Council where I worked for 6 years before moving to my first metropolitan council, the City of Prospect.

What do you like best about your current job?
Having the ability to lead a high performing council and achieve tangible results that have a positive impact on the local community is something I gain a lot of satisfaction from. I enjoy the ability to implement positive reform and encourage the absolute best from my directors and staff. Seeing my staff progress toward their career aspirations and contributing in some way to their path forward in a supportive way is something that I enjoy immensely.

What advice would you give someone looking to get into a similar role? Go for it! Being a CEO is a very demanding job, however given the right circumstances and support from those around you, exciting outcomes can be achieved which are guaranteed to deliver a great deal of job satisfaction.

What’s next for you?
I would like to constructively influence the local government sector through regional cooperation (such as the Eastern Region Alliance) and through developing partnerships with key agencies (such as the LGA, State and Federal Government).

Why did you join LGMA?
 The LGMA provided me with an excellent vehicle to expand my knowledge and networking capacity. The LGMA has enabled me to develop my leadership skills and has been influential in my professional development. I recall entering the LGMA Challenge when I first had an aspiration to become a manager and the skills I acquired through that exercise have served me well ever since.    

Describe a typical day for us…
5.00 am start at the gym, followed by trying (sometimes unsuccessfully) to get my teenage kids out of bed and organised for school. Mornings tend to be the best time for me to catch up on emails and to take time to plan for key activities. As with most CEO's much of the day is spent in meetings both at the operational and political level. I often then attend an evening meeting (which when you are a CEO occur frequently).



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